Nope, I wasn't there. I live about four blocks away from Amoeba Music in Hollywood, and I missed this historic in-store performance, supposedly the only one McC has ever done (at least back in the U.S.S.A.) I tried and failed, bet and lost...I also happen to have a job, which disqualified many people from even having a prayer of getting in. This thing was all about who could stand to wait in line longest, and for most that meant at least a couple of days baking in the summer sun. For me, not so much...
Plus, I've had the pleasure of seeing McC four times, twice at the Staples Center here and twice at the blessed Bridge School Benefit Concert up in Mountain View.
Anyway, some kind folks at KCRW-FM caught the history on tape for everyone who isn't Ringo, Jeff Lynne, Joe Walsh or anyone among the lucky 300 or so who managed to squeeze in.
Amoeba Music - Hollywood, CA - June 27, 2007 (FM)